













 2018.9—至今 福建理工大学,副教授

 2016.9—2018.8 北京理工大学珠海学院,助理教授

 2016.3-2016.7 仰恩大学,助理教授

 2012.2-2015.7 台湾兴国管理学院,助理教授


 2002.9—2017.7 台湾交通大学,工业工程与管理学系,工学博士

 2000.9—2002.6 台湾元智大学,工业工程与管理学系,工学硕士

 1996.9—2000.6 台湾成功大学,统计学系,商学学士


  1. Kao, C. K., Qian, M. W., Chang, T. H., and Lin, P. J., “Strategic Planning for Transitioning from Third - to Fourth-party Logistics Under E-commerce Environment in China,” accepted by The International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 12(1), 2019. [EI]

  2. Kao, C. K., Hu, H.,Kung, B. R., and Hsieh, W. I., “Strategic Planning for the Aviation Logistics Service Supply Chain in China,” Business, Management and Economics Research, 5(1), 1-15, 2019.

  3. Kao, C. K., and Chen, A. P., “Service Blueprint Development for China’s College Campus Express Delivery based on Grey Relational Analysis and TRIZ,” Journal of China Studies, 21(4), 217-247, 2018.

  4.  Lin, P. J., Kao, C. K., Tian, Y., and LeeC., “The Characteristics, Category and Motives of Interpersonal Recommendation on Virtual Community: Extended Case Method,” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 7(11), 1-5, 2018.

  5. 林蓬荣、田艳、高清贵,高校创新课程设计模式,广东教育装备,935-372018

  6.  Lin, P. J., Kao, C. K., Tian, Y., and Lee, C., “The mode of competence development for Flat Panel Display: technology competence to market competence,” Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 23(6), 41-50, 2018.

  7. Kao, C. K., Xu, G. X., Fang, X. E., and Zheng, M. C., “Case Study of building Storage Strategy in the Logistics Distribution Center - Logistics Company A as an Example,” European Journal of Engineering Research and Science, 3(4), 40-47, 2018.

  8. Kao, C. K., Li, S. T., Huang, H. X., and Deng, S. T., “Study on Transportation and Distribution Strategies for a Logistics Center - an Example of Logistics company A,” European Journal of Logistics, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 6(2), 10-25, 2018.

  9. Kao, C. K., and Xu, L., “Study on the Performance Measurement of Taiwan Railway Service Quality through Grey Relational Analysis,” International Review of Management and Business Research, 6(2), 648-661, 2017.

  10. Kao, C. K., Kung, B. R., and Hsieh, W. I., “Application of Grey Relational Analysis to Determine Key Factors for Performance Measurement of Taiwan High Speed Rail Service Quality,” Asian Journal of Business and Management, 5(1), 1-11, 2017.

  11.  Lee, T. R. (Jiun-Shen), and Kao, C. K.*, “Determining the key factors in the physical store and the internet shop: analyzing brand positioning in the internet shopping platform,” accepted by International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 2016. [EI] (*Corresponding author)

  12.  Huang, D. C., Lee, T. R. (Jiun-Shen), Hilletofth, P., and Kao, C. K., “Creation of Step-by-Step Process in the Pre-startup of Micro Business,” International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 15(1), 43-60, 2016.

  13.  Lee, C. Y., Lee, T. R. (Jiun-Shen), and Kao, C. K., “Study on the Adaptation of Corporate Business Strategy to E-commerce Practice,” Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 5(6), 25-43, 2015.

  14.  Chiu, H. F., Lee, T. R. (Jiun-Shen), and Kao, C. K., “The Key Factors of Selecting Electronics Manufacturing Service Suppliers - An Example of Company U in Taiwan,” Management and Production Engineering Review, 6(4), 4-14, 2015.

  15.  Hong, M. H., Lee, T. R. (Jiun-Shen), Kao, C. K., and Hilletofth, P., “Setting Organizational Key Performance Indicators in the Precision Machine Industry,” International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, 4(2), 135-161, 2015.

  16.  Shie, M. H., Lee, T. R. (Jiun-Shen), and Kao, C. K., “To Apply Binary Logit Model and GRA to Give Advice for Female Consumers of Used Car on Internet,” International Journal of Performance Measurement, 5(1), 33-60, 2015.

  17. Kao, C. K., and Chuang, P. Y., “Decision Criterion to Evaluate the Effect of Capacity Saving of A Single Machine with Uncertain Job Arrivals,” The Journal of INNOvation Research & Development, 10(1), 41-50, 2014.

  18.  Lin, C. T., Lee, T. R. (Jiun-Shen), Kao, C. K.*, and Wu, J., “Application of Grey Relational Analysis to Determine Key Factors for Investment of Overseas Branch by Logistics Industry - U.S. Market as An Example,” Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management, 12(1), 14-29, 2014. (*Corresponding author)

  19. Chung, S. H., Yang, M. H., and Kao, C. K.*, “Reactive Scheduling to Minimize Makespan of Parallel-Machine Problem with Job Arrival in Uncertainty,”African Journal of Business Management, 6(27), 7995-8009, 2012. [SCI] (*Corresponding author)

  20.  Chung, S. H., Yang, M. H., and Kao, C. K.*, “Analyzing the Effects of Family-Based Scheduling Rule on Reducing Capacity Loss of Single Machine with Uncertain Job Arrivals,” Expert Systems with Applications, 39(1), 1231-1242, 2012. [SCI] (*Corresponding author)

  21.  Yang, M. H., and Kao, C. K., “The Development of a Four-Stage Planning Model for the Steel Cutting Problem from the Practice Perspectives,” Journal of Advanced Engineering, 4(3), 249-252, 2009. [EI]

  22.  Chung, S. H., Kao, C. K., Huang, Y. C., and Chuang, S. M., “The Design of Master Production Scheduling System for Ball Grid Array Packaging Process,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 23(3), 245-252, 2006. [EI]

  23.  Fan, S. K., and Kao, C. K., “Development of Confidence Interval on Taguchi Capability Index Using a Bayesian Approach,” International Journal of Operations Research, 3(1), 56-75, 2006.

  24.  Fan, S. K., and Kao, C. K., “Lower Bayesian Confidence Limits on the Process Capability Index Cpm: A Comparative Study,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 21(5), 444-452, 2004. [EI]


  1. 北京理工学珠海学院2018届优秀论文指导教师

  2.  “京东杯”第四届(2018年)优秀指导老师

  3.  “京东杯”第三届(2017年)优秀指导老师

  4. 京东杯”第二届(2016年)优秀指导老师